Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Clarification and critique stuff

Yesterday I posted the winner of my Slushy contest . . . the contest in which I asked you to help spread the word about slushy_one's contest. This may have caused some confusion so I want to take a moment to let you know,  Slushy's contest is NOT over. You can enter that contest until May 18th.

Whew! I've been enjoying reading critiques on slushy's blog; some great insight  on the first 250 words. Though slushy's critiques carry a bit of bite, they are honest and this is the type of critique I love. Slushy pointed out a few things in my entry (I won't say which one is mine, but some of you may recognize it anyway) no one else noticed in all the years of critiques . . . of course that may have been because there were so many OTHER mistakes for those first poor crit-er's to comment on. =)

Anyway, it has been worth it to me and I'm glad I went for it. I hope slushy has more critiquing contests in the future . . .

So, if you want to go check out the entries on slushy's blog and maybe leave a comment or two, go for it! So far there are only four entries . . . not sure if slushy has more in the queue or not, but I hope so.


Write on.

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