Saturday, August 9, 2008

Well, it's about time!

I'm horrible about updating this blog! Gee, since I last updated, I've acquired several more dogs (Toy Fox Terriers) and have been breeding/raising/showing them. You can see pictures on my website at if you so desire.

I've been writing, living, working, playing, and generally enjoying life. My children started school on July 30th this year and for the first time, ALL four of them are in school. My youngest is in all day Kindergarten. So, what am I going to do with all my free time?

Write and work. I have a part time job as an archivist and am working on archiving the documents of a sculptress and her mother (a silent film star). It's been fun, fun, fun and I've learned a lot. However, I'm looking forward to the project coming to a close and devoting all my free time to my writing.

I submitted a story to the Cheerio's contest and am waiting to hear the results. I'm sure many entered and only three can win (one grand prize, two first prizes). I'm hoping, but trying not to hope too hard.

The work on my YA fantasy has continued and I believe I am close to being ready to start submitting it. We'll see how that goes.

That's a QUICK update on all that has happened in the last two years.

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