Monday, February 2, 2009

I have to write and contest stuff

As I caught up on blog posts today, I came across


and her inspirational post for the day. She inspired me with the following:

"A Circle of Quiet" a memoir by Madeline L'Engle
"I had to write. I had no choice in the matter. It was not up to me to say that I could stop because I could not. It didn't matter how small or inadequate my talent. If I never had another book published, and it was very clear to me that this was a real possibility, I still had to go on writing. I'm very glad I made this decision in the moment of failure. It's very easy to say you're a writer when things are going well. When the decision is made in the abyss, then it is quite clear that it is not one's own decision at all."

This revelation came to her after she had cried over a rejection on her fortieth birthday. She had endured 10 years of rejection. As we all know, her story had quite the happy ending!
This is a good summation of how I feel. Thank you, Madeline L'Engle and thank you, [info]janel_harrison for sharing this with us.
In other news, I will be hosting a King Cake party on this blog at some point during the week. Why? Because I got to be the lucky winner of the baby (or in this case, pecan) on[info]afraclose's blog! YAY!! So check back for that. Also, there is still time to enter my Valentine's Day contest contest.

Write on.


  1. Good quote! When I left my job of 23 years it was very much like jumping of a cliff. I was surprised to discover I had a parachute and was able to take a long scenic glide before landing gently on the ground.

  2. I love your cliff/parachute image! What a nice way to look at it. =)
