Actually, it’s a lot of secrets! Last week the post office was good to me and delivered my four copies of SPRINKLES AND SECRETS by Lisa Schroeder (my three youngest kids and I are reading it aloud in our “Book Club”) and also my two hard cover copies of CIRCLE OF SECRETS by Kimberley Griffiths Little. Over the weekend, I finished Circle of Secrets (LOVE it and there will be a review coming) and hope to start Sprinkles and Secrets today . . . I might have to read ahead of the kids though cause it’s slow going in the book club sometimes *grin*).
I wasn’t sure things could get any better until J told me there was a book fair at her school this week (middle school). Of course, I had to go this morning . . . I mean, we’re talking books (and the librarian is a close friend of mine)!!
And what did I find there? Paperback copies of CIRCLE OF SECRETS that included charm bracelets! Yeah, I had to buy the only four copies the book fair had (for my two daughters and two of my nieces)!!
Here’s the beauty of them all laid out on my bed (yes, I have pink sheets and my hubby is okay with it *grin*):
And a closer picture to show the charm bracelet (probably should have removed the price sticker to show it better . . . oh well):
You probably noticed I have an extra copy of Circle of Secrets (hard cover) . . . I bought an extra because I’m hoping to have a contest on my blog in the near future in which I will be giving away the extra copy . . . as well as some other goodies. Stay tuned!
In writing news, I’m working on a new project and revising an old one (a MG).
Write on!